What's up? The sky! But also: ceilings! And that's what this week's Between the Studs is all about. Join the experts at Granite Ridge as we talk ceilings and trim.

If you build with Granite Ridge, you won't need the luck of the Irish! We're celebrating St. Patty's day this week on Between the Studs; make sure you're wearing green!

So you want to own your own home, but not have to deal with the hassles of yard work and shoveling snow? We've got the perfect answer: villa living! Join us on this week's episode as we explore low maintenance living.

The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and it's time for another spring home tour! Join us as we explore some of the amazing, move-in ready properties that are available today!

Are you missing that special something in your life? Are you lovesick over the home that got away? You're in luck: Granite Ridge has some amazing, lovely homes that available right now. Join us on this week's Between the Studs for a romantic look at some great options.

The Between the Studs cast is exploring all things ... under foot! If you're interested in flooring, you've come to the right place.

What do ovens, heaters, heated walkways, and lightbulbs all have in common? Heat! If it belongs in a house, and gets hot, we're featuring it on this week's episode of Between the Studs!

Living spaces can be totally unique and personalized to your needs; at Granite Ridge we're all about building spaces that fit you. Join us on this episode and explore some the amazing options for creating a living space that suits your family.

The times, they are a changing, and this episode of Between the Studs is all about catching you up on the hottest trends. Whether you're looking to update your home, or need inspiration for your new one, we've got you covered with the latest and greatest looks.

On this week's Between the Studs, we're hanging with our friends at Choice Designs and talking about all things Christmas! What are you favorite holiday traditions?

Holiday traditions are great, but what about all the new technology these days? Join the Granite Ridge as we talk all things tech, from holiday toys to modern home gizmos.

Have you ever seen a doodad on a house and wondered... what's that? The Granite Ridge team is here to answer all of those kinds of questions. After this episode, you'll know all the odds and ends of home construction.